Who do you think you are?

One day I went on a walk. I was questioning ‘Who am I? How do I want to present myself to the world? Am I a healer, a creatress, a massage therapist, a mother, a skeptic, a know-it-all?’ None of these personalities fit the totality of who I am.

Then a voice said to me “Be who you are.” At that moment, a quiet filled the space around me and I simply felt who I was. I wasn’t one of these personalities. I was just who I was- a cosmic being, made of stardust, who has had a unique set of experiences in this lifetime and others, one with all that is while simultaneously being a complete and separate entity who raises her offspring and does her laundry. 

We’re constantly asked as children, “Who are you going to be when you grow up? What are you going to be when you grow up? A film star? A musician? A veterinarian? A dancer? A poet? A president?” Of course, none of these jobs can encompass the entirety of a human being. If someone asked me today what I want to be when I grow up, I’d say myself. I want to be as much myself as I can possibly be. There is no label big enough to cover the enormity of a being.

If you’re questioning who you are then I invite you to stop for a moment. If it feels like it’s hard to figure out who you are, then you’re off track. It doesn’t work to think and figure out who you are. All you have to do is be still for a moment and feel. Feel your heart. Remember what brings you joy. Listen for your longings. Listen to your fears. Just feel and listen. This is who you are. 

You don’t have to be more you. You already are everything you need to be. You just have to stop trying to be someone or something else. You just need to allow the entirety of who you are to shine forth, to take up space, to be seen. This is what we all crave and this is also what the world craves from us. 

When you feel into your being, what, if anything, does it want you to do today? Do one thing every day that your being really wants to do and your life will become a joyful expression of the magnificent, timeless being that you truly are. 




Autumnal Equinox- Take Stock


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