New Moon in Virgo
Why, and how, to connect with the power of the New Moon in Virgo to assist you in fulfilling your dreams.
Manifesting Your Dreams: Why It Gets Hard Before It Gets Good
Have you been actively trying to manifest big, new ideas into your life, only to find yourself feeling worse than when you started?
An Easy Meditation for Connecting to Your Authentic Self
I have returned to this simple technique in times when I need to remember who I am as the social pressures of the world around me start closing in.
What Is an Authentic Life and How to Live One
So how do we lead lives that do not become quietly desperate and how do we escape that state if that’s where we’ve ended up? First, we are honest with ourselves. This can feel scary but it is ESSENTIAL for living a life of meaning and joy.
Making the Metaphysical Physical
As a spiritual seeker immersed in communities of like-minded individuals, I've noticed a common challenge: bridging the gap between spiritual awakening and real-world application. It's exhilarating to experience moments of insight and realization, but how do we integrate these experiences into our work, relationships, and communities?
What to do when you need to find the answer.
My daughter called me this morning. She is moving out of her dorm today and is simultaneously getting ready for a trip to the Czech Republic. Needless to say, it’s probably a pretty stressful time for her. Added on to this already challenging day she could not find her passport. Ugh right?! She called me because she knows I can “see” things that are missing.
Trusting Your Gut: My Journey Back To California
Have you ever had that gut feeling urging you to make a change, even when it seemed daunting or impossible? I know I have. Many of the blessings in my life have come from trusting my intuition and leaping when I was most afraid to do so.
How to Translate a Spiritual Epiphany Into a Physical Reality
I wondered, ‘How come it’s so hard to make the changes I know I need to make to live in alignment with what I know is true?’
I decided it was time to take a deep exploration into the art and science of change.
Autumnal Equinox- Take Stock
On this day of equal sunlight and darkness, take a moment to reflect the heavens and pause. Look around at your life. Where are you standing? Simply ask yourself, ‘Where am I in the cycle of my life?
Who do you think you are?
One day I went on a walk. I was questioning ‘Who am I? How do I want to present myself to the world? Am I a healer, a creatress, a massage therapist, a mother, a skeptic, a know-it-all?’ None of these personalities fit the totality of who I am.
Feeling Stuck? Try this.
There are times in all of our lives when we have a hard time seeing clearly what to do next, or how to get out of a cycle that is very repetitive.